Thursday, February 02, 2006

Range entries to listbox

Again, there's probably an easier way to do this, but this works to copy entries from a spreadsheet range to a listbox (or combobox) in a dialog.

rngname="Jason" 'the name of the range (one column by unknown number of rows)
oNamedRange = ThisComponent.NamedRanges.getByName(rngname)
sName = oNamedRange.getContent() 'gives full address starting with $
xPos = InStr(1,sName,".") - 2 'sheet name ends with .
sName = Mid(sName,2,xPos)
oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(sName)
oRange = oSheet.getcellrangebyname(rngname)
rtot=oRange.rows.count -1
dim a(rtot)
for j=0 to rtot
DialogLibraries.LoadLibrary( "Standard" )
oDialog1 = CreateUnoDialog( DialogLibraries.Standard.Dialog1 )
oControl = oDialog1.GetControl("ComboBox1") 'provided it already exists

oDialog1.Execute() 'entries can be added afterwards also
'but in a separate sub

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