Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Open dialog

From my limited experience, it seems that all the macros that refer to a given dialog have to be on the same page (ie the same basic module). A library can have quite a few other basic module (pages). Mine has modules named: Main, Merger, NewYear, Place, Refresh, Search, SimCity, SSum, and Taxes. (The macro in the SimCity module is to sort and reformat a range containing info on rewards and other plop-able "buildings" in SimCity4.) There is also a dialog module in the library called Dialog1. Here's the beginning of the Main module with a macro which opens a dialog with some hidden controls and a combo box populated with elements from a range in a document. The library itself is called "Accounts".

Dim oDialog1 as Object
dim oControl as Object
dim oDoc as Variant

Sub Dialog1Show '---------------open Dialog1, populate ComboBroker----------------------
oDoc = ThisComponent
DialogLibraries.LoadLibrary( "Standard" )
oDialog1 = CreateUnoDialog( DialogLibraries.Accounts.Dialog1 )
oControl = oDialog1.getcontrol("ComboBroker")

oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getbyname("Misc")
oRange = oSheet.getcellrangebyname("Brokers")

for j = 1 to oRange.rows.count -1'first line is column heading
temp = oRange.getcellbyposition(0,j).string

'make option buttons invisible
for j = 1 to 5
oDialog1.getcontrol("OptionButton" & j).setvisible(0)


End Sub

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