Here is the Search function from before, revised to include the macro SheetObj. SheetObj and SheetName are in other posts here. (Both the start and the end of the macro have been changed, the latter for date searches.)
Function FindTriple(trange, tsheet, c, r, tname, tname2, offset2, tname3, offset3, n, go)
'if c (or r) is a number, look for nth occurence in column c (or row r) of trange on tsheet
'with tname2 offset offset2 cols and tname3 offset offset3 cols
'columns and rows start at 0 ... c and r are initially range (not sheet) references
'before calling function, set r (or c) to "" to search all rows (or all columns)
'returns sheet (not range) col c and row r where found, or if not found first cell of searched range,
'or ... col and row of last cell where found (for n > 1)
'trange can be chosen as "" to search entire sheet or an entire column or row
'if both trange and tsheet are "", current selection is searched
'tname2 or tname3 can be chosen as "" for simpler searches
FindTriple = 0
oDoc = ThisComponent
dim clrw(3)
oSheet = SheetObj(trange,tsheet,clrw())
if isnumeric(c) then clrw(0) = clrw(0) + c : clrw(2) = clrw(0)'to search in only one column
if isnumeric(r) then clrw(1) = clrw(1) + r : clrw(3) = clrw(1)'to search in only one row
oRange = oSheet.getcellrangebyposition(clrw(0), clrw(1), clrw(2), clrw(3))
oCell = oSheet.getcellbyposition(clrw(0), clrw(1))
c = clrw(0)'change from range coordinates to sheet coordinates
r = clrw(1)
k = 0
if tname = oCell.string then gosub FoundOne
xSearchD = oRange.createSearchDescriptor()
With xSearchD
.SearchString = tname
.SearchCaseSensitive = false
.SearchWords = true 'forces the entire cell to contain only the search string
End With
xFound = oCell
xFound = oRange.findNext(xFound, xSearchD)
if IsNull(xFound) then exit do
oCell = xFound
gosub FoundOne
exit function
c = oCell.rangeaddress.startcolumn
r = oCell.rangeaddress.startrow
temp2 = oSheet.getcellbyposition(c + offset2,r).string
temp3 = oSheet.getcellbyposition(c + offset3,r).string
if len(tname2) > 2 and temp2 <> tname2 then return
if len(tname3) < 2 then
k = k + 1
if isdate(tname3) and isdate(temp3) then
temp = DateDiff("d",tname3,temp3)
if temp > 1 and temp < 5 then k = k + 1
if temp3 = tname3 then k = k + 1
end if
end if
If k = n Then
FindTriple = -1
If go Then
oCell = oSheet.getcellbyposition(c,r)
End If
exit function
End If
End Function
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